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Is my business eligible:

For Tax Years 2020 & 2021:


1) Did your business experience a full or partial suspension of operations or a decline in gross receipts during the pandemic?


2) Did you have W-2 employees?


If you answered yes to both the questions above, you may qualify for the ERC credit. Call today to get

Why do I need a refund specialist?

There are 70,000 pages of tax code. Our refund specialist understand the nuances of the ERC credits and how to optimize them for your business.


I did not think my business qualified for the ERC credits.

The rules for ERC credits recently changed. Even if your business did not previously qualify, it very well may qualify now.

The IRS estimates 70-80% of small to mid-size businesses are good candidates for ERC credits.


How long will it take to get my refund?

As of 2022, the IRS processing times is approximately 4 1/2 months. These times are estimates and your refund may vary.


Do I have to pay back ERC credit refunds?

No. It is money for your business.


If I received PPP funds, do I still qualify for ERC credits?

Yes. Even if you received PPP funds (whether forgiven or not), you may still qualify for ERC credits.

What does Business ERC charge?

We get it. Paying professional service fees can cost a small fortune.


Having an accountant file amended returns for Schedule C, Sole Proprietorship, General Partnership, LLC, C-Corp, S-Corp, payroll taxes, 941, etc. can mean $10,000s out of your pocket. Then, you wait months to collect on the amended returns, assuming the IRS accepts the return. If they don't you are out all that money.


That is why we handle all the filings for you (and there are a lot) at no up front cost. Then, when you receive your refund from the IRS, we get paid 25% of the return and you keep 75%.


It is found money for your business. No risk to you.

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